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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Foto Syur Artis Indonesa Nadila Ernesta

On : 19:34
Indonesian Celebrity re-enlivened the circulation of Foto Hot Nadila Ernesta yg Beredar Luas di Internet, I’ve got it this Foto Syur Artis Indonesa Nadila Ernesta blog and giving this hottest Indonesia actress news to you. As the one of news media say Nadila Ernesta appears ‘bolder’ than his friends in the photo, even he is wearing only bikini black backless one piece. Foto artis hot made ​​in a closed room, some carried out under dim light the lamp.
Foto Hot Nadila Ernesta yg Beredar Luas di Internet - Foto Syur Artis Indonesa Nadila Ernesta Foto Hot Nadila Ernesta yg Beredar Luas di Internet - Foto Syur Artis Indonesa Nadila Ernesta02 Foto Hot Nadila Ernesta yg Beredar Luas di Internet - Foto Syur Artis Indonesa Nadila Ernesta03 Foto Hot Nadila Ernesta yg Beredar Luas di Internet - Foto Syur Artis Indonesa Nadila Ernesta04
Looks like Nadila Ernesta and friends when it was enjoying a party. Even the party can not be denied alcohol, with a marked number of drinks glasses around them. Three photos appear Nadila Ernesta posing wearing police hats, of course with one piece still wear backless black color. With the clothes do not complete and that the police hat, Nadila Ernesta posing a guy hugging black shirt, one photo with his eyes closed and one more look into the face of Nadila Ernesta

1 comment:

  1. Ya ampun. Sudah bangsa ini krisis ekonomi, pitik, budaya jg moraL. Pantes bangsa ini diazab bncana2, kerushan, terrorisme etc. kaLau mau brpose hot gitu jgn di sini, sana di Eropa/Amerika. ini indonesia bung/mbak, bukan Amerika ! Kita punya budaya sendii apaLagi mayoritas nya MusLim. ContohLah MaLaysia !
