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Friday, June 3, 2011

5 New Dynamic Blogger Templates

On : 16:58
In :
We can now preview 5 dynamic new Blogger template styles for our blogs which use AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3. These new templates will soon be made available for us to use as the default views for our sites, and will be customizable so we can preserve our blog's individuality.
The "Snapshot" view is an ideal choice for photo bloggers

The benefits of using these new blog templates include:

  • Infinite scrolling: read more posts without having to reload or click to a second page
  • New layouts: different views suited to different types of blogs
  • Speed: download images as you view them, not all at once in advance
  • Interactivity: there are now more ways to experience and engage with blog content
Five different templates are currently available for us to preview. Click on a link below to see a preview of Blogger Buster (which will open in a new window):
  1. Flipcard
  2. Mosaic
  3. Sidebar
  4. Snapshot
  5. Timeslide
For those of you viewing this as an email update, here are screenshots of the different views:

Flipcard View

Mosaic View

Sidebar View

Snapshot View

Timeline View

You can preview how these templates will appear for your own site by adding "/view" to the end of your blog URL, for example:


In order to immediately view a specific template style, use the following formats:



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